Discover How To Achieve Any Goal And Create The Successful, Healthy Life You’ve Always Wanted

My step-by-step process will show you how to set and achieve any goal, and create the fully-aligned life you desire.

Discover How To Achieve Any Goal And Create The Successful, Healthy Life You’ve Always Wanted

My step-by-step process will show you how to set and achieve any goal, and create the fully-aligned life you desire.

An Open Letter To Anyone Looking To Make A Change... 

Are you feeling stuck? Like life has become... stagnant?

Do you have dreams of things you’d like to achieve or accomplish, but instead of going after these goals you find yourself coasting? Like you’re treading water?

Maybe you’ve even taken a shot at one of these goals, only to burn out or give up. 

After trying and failing, it’s easy to believe that it’s never going to happen—that it’s just not something you’re capable of achieving. 

Here’s The Good News…

You’re wrong.

It is absolutely possible for you to achieve any goal you set for yourself—even if you’ve tried and failed in the past.

Your life is not outside of your control. There’s actually a lot you can do to determine how good your next year will be. In fact, the next year of your life could be the best one yet.

You can dive into your attitudes, beliefs, and values. You can reassess what exactly you want from life, and what types of goals will actually create it (rather than simply chasing what you think you “should” want). 

You can look to your past for clues about yourself, and to learn from your mistakes. 

You can change yourself. And in the process of that change, you can learn how to achieve any goals you set for yourself. 

Goals, like anything else in life, can be broken down to a process.

Setting Goals Can Be Powerful, But Only If Done Correctly... 

This is what many people get wrong about setting goals: they think it’s simply about making a list of desires and then waiting passively for them to be delivered. 

It’s not a passive process—it’s an active one.

You have to know what you want, develop habits that support your goals, and drop habits that don’t support them.

You have to prepare yourself for potential obstacles, deal with them as they come, and stay the course even when it’s not easy. 

Each step requires time and effort. It takes being open to change, and to becoming the person you need to be. 

Because when you change yourself, everything around you changes too. 

For most of us, we were simply told to set goals and to achieve them. We were never taught how to do it. 

That’s why I’ve created my new book, Progressive Ethos, to break down the process of setting and achieving major goals into a digestible, manageable process—one that actually works.

My New Book Will Show You:

How to learn from your past and avoid repeating mistakes

How to identify important relationships in your life and let go of ones that are no longer working for you

How to define the life you’d like to live, rather than chasing an idea of what you think you should want

How to create effective goals that increase the level of balance in your life

How to evaluate your current habits and eliminate those acting as an obstacle to your success

How to gather resources to help you achieve your goals

How to prepare yourself for encountering obstacles and avoid self-sabotage

How to identify limiting beliefs you hold about yourself, and let go of those that aren’t serving you 

How to visualize the person you want to become, and develop characteristics of this ideal self

How to put everything you’ve learned into a comprehensive, step-by-step plan of action

Hi, I’m Dr. Kelly Cox... 

I like to introduce myself as a burned-out ER doctor. That isn’t to say I’m not grateful for my career in healthcare—it’s treated me very well, and I’ve had the opportunity to touch the lives of hundreds of people. 

But I grew frustrated with the healthcare industry’s approach to care. All of the emphasis is on addressing harm after it’s already happened, rather than preventing sickness in the first place. 

This is exactly what convinced me to form my company Progressive Ethos. Though we began with teaching people how to take better charge of their health, we now provide guidance on nearly every aspect of life: health, happiness, personal wealth, and much more. 

There are an endless number of people trying to better themselves in this world, but many of them lack the tools they need to succeed. That’s where we come in! 

We help “provide the shoes” you need to start running towards a better future. 

You’ve Haven’t Been Building The Proper Foundation

When you’ve tried to tackle a big goal in the past, I’m willing to bet you just... took off running.

After all, if you want to achieve something you have to get moving, right?


Before you take your first step, you need to make sure you’re equipped with the proper tools. 

Do you have good running shoes? Do you know the route you’re traveling? Did you stretch? 

The same principle applies to any major goal you want to achieve in life. Before you get started, you need to make sure you have a solid foundation to build upon. 

Have you taken time to understand yourself on a deeper level? Have you processed events from your past and noticed patterns in your behavior? Have you considered potential obstacles, and created a plan to overcome them? 

If the answer is no, you’ll never finish the run. You may get started, but you’ll burn out, or get lost along the way. 

My book is all about helping you build the foundation you need to finish any race you decide to enter.

I’ll walk you through each step, from analyzing your past and learning from your mistakes, to determining what kind of life you want to build, to handling obstacles along the way.

Speaking of which...

Obstacles Are Inevitable... But You’ll Be Prepared For Anything

Without obstacles, achieving your goals and living the best year of your life would be easy. But life doesn’t work that way.

Things happen. Life is full of challenges that will derail your goals if you’re not prepared.

What makes someone unsuccessful is usually not a lack of ambition—it’s allowing themselves to be easily dissuaded by these challenges. 

When you learn to accept that obstacles are inevitable, you can begin to prepare yourself for anything that comes your way. 

Sometimes these challenges even come from within, in the form of self-sabotage. 

The brain will always step in to say, “I’m fine just the way I am. I shouldn’t have to change.” 

To a certain extent, this is true! You are fine just the way you are—as long as you’re happy! But if you’re feeling stuck, or you’re eager to accomplish something but your mind keeps discouraging you, you may need a new approach. 

With the right preparation, you’ll be able to push past any potential obstacle, and handle self-sabotage when it arises. 

And when you’re fully prepared...

You’ll Be Able To Live The Best Year Of Your Life! 

Imagine how it would feel to be able to achieve any goal you set your mind to...

And to actually enjoy the process, rather than simply sprinting towards the end...

To know that you have the knowledge and the tools to work through any obstacle along the way... 

To feel that your life is in your hands. 

When you take the time to build a foundation, to practice self-awareness, to drill down on what exactly you want from life, this all becomes possible. 

As you work to improve yourself, your life improves along with it. 

So now that you know this is possible, are you willing to make the leap? 

Are you brave enough to discover what you’re capable of? 

If you’re interested in finding out, let’s talk about......

Exactly What You’re Getting

Product is delivered as an eBook & digital course

First of all, this is different from any other “self-help” book you’ve ever read. This book is written specifically for people like you who feel stagnant or stuck, and who are looking for change.

It’s exactly what you need to jumpstart amazing changes in your life, and to design the life you really want.

This is a guidebook that will walk you through each step of building a better life, and setting yourself up to live the best year ever! 

You’ll immediately begin feeling more clear on what you want, confident in your ability to get it, and prepared for any obstacle you’ll need to tackle along the way. 

Here's What You'll Get:

  • ​8 questions to take advantage of your past experiences (and apply what you learn to break cycles and change your future) (page 8)
  • Exercises to break down your ideal lifestyle (and make sure your goals support a life you’d actually like to live) (page 13)
  • ​My best methods for choosing your goals intelligently (and make sure you’re achieving optimal balance in your lifestyle) (page 18)
  • 4 steps to assess your current resources (and determine exactly what you’ll need to help you achieve your goals) (page 21)
  • How to identify obstacles standing in your way (and prepare yourself to overcome them rather than letting them dissuade you from your goals) (page 25)
  • 3 ways to cultivate attributes that help you achieve your goals (and become someone who embodies the characteristics of your ideal self) (page 28)
  • Real-world examples of comprehensive goal plans (so you can create your own in just 5 simple steps) (page 31)
  • ​...​and so much more.

PLUS, in this special book & course bundle, you’ll also get…

“The Pillar Of Physical Health” Companion Course To Help Jumpstart Your Journey

Over 6 modules, we’ll focus on the essentials of physical health to help you reach your goals and create a snowball of change in your life.

In the Pillar Of Physical Health program, you’ll learn:

  • ​The Benefits Of Rest: Why it’s essential to take time to let your body rest - and why it can help you be more effective in other areas of your life
  • Boost Your Immunity: How to easily strengthen your immunity naturally and reduce the stressors of sickness on your body
  • The Effects Of Mineral Deficiency On Your Health: Maintaining proper nutrition and getting the right amount of minerals through diet and/or supplements can prevent disease and improve your overall well being
  • Healing Foods That Taste Great: Foods that heal our bodies DON’T have to taste awful - here’s a list
  • New To Exercise? Avoid These Four Common Mistakes: How to maximize your exercise routine to see results!
  • What Is Healthy Weight And How To Get There: A healthy weight is different for everyone - here’s how to create sustainable life choices to maintain a highly functioning body

Plus, you’ll get assignments to help you stay focused on your goals and make real progress starting immediately! 

Here's What To Do Next

This book and program bundle costs just $7, and you’ll get it right away as a download.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an email with a link to download the book and access to the Pillar Of Physical Health program.

You Will Feel Light In All Areas Of Your Life

The better you treat your body, the better you’ll feel; the weight loss is just an added benefit.

And that’s not even touching the fact that mindfulness can be applied to all parts of your life - and give you the ability to live with intention.

You’ll begin to see your life in a new way.

Here's What To Do Next

This book and program bundle costs just $7, and you’ll get it right away as a download.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an email with a link to download the book and access to the Pillar Of Physical Health program.

Oh, and in case you're wondering…

Yes, This WILL Work For You, Too!

You may be thinking... won’t this just be another failed attempt? If you’ve tried to achieve big goals in the past, only to end up frustrated and stuck, I can understand being skeptical.

But this book and course is about approaching your goals from a new angle—one that leaves you well-equipped to tackle anything you set your mind to.

With the tools I outline in the book, you’ll be able to transform your entire experience. You won’t just achieve your goals. You’ll also learn how to enjoy the process! 

And with the course, you’ll be walked through every step of the first pillar of my process in a simple, easy-to-implement way so you can make REAL progress.

The Price Of This Book Bundle Is [$7]... But Living Without It May Cost You MORE In The Long Run

Without this book, you can keep trying to run, only to get burnt out or give up.

You can keep beating yourself up, and telling yourself you just don’t have what it takes to change your life.

You can keep letting limiting beliefs stand between you and the life you’ve always imagined for yourself. 

Or, you can try a different approach this time. You can understand yourself and your goals on a deeper level, and know exactly how to achieve what you set your mind to. 

No more starting the race, only to look down and realize you’re barefoot. 

So right about now, you might be thinking, “this sounds too good to be true!”

But rest assured…

There Is No Catch

I've decided to give you this book and course bundle for $7 so you can see for yourself that achieving big goals is never an impossibility. It’s just a matter of knowing what you want, developing habits that support your goals, and staying the course.

I’ve packed as much value as possible into this little book in the hopes that it’ll help you create the best year of your life!

And lastly, even though I’m immediately sending you a copy of the book and access to the course...

I’m offering a full money-back guarantee.

In fact, it’s…

The Most RISK-FREE Guarantee I Could Think Of

I 100% guarantee you'll love this book and course or I'll return your [PRICE].

That's correct. If you’re unhappy for any reason, you don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I'll refund your purchase with no questions asked.

How's that for fair?

You Don’t Have To Keep Running Alone...

Click the button below to get your book bundle today so you can discover for yourself what a more balanced, successful, healthy life feels like.

~ Dr. Kelly Cox

P.S. Just in case you’re like me and skip to the end of these letters, here's the deal:

I'm offering you a book that provides actionable steps and guidance on setting and achieving major goals in your life, and creating a balanced, satisfying lifestyle that suits those goals.

Inside, I’ll walk you through the process of drilling down on your core values, and the exact life you want to design for yourself. Once you have total clarity on your goals, I’ll also walk you through achieving anything you need to make your dream lifestyle a reality. 

PLUS, you’ll get The Pillar Of Physical Health companion course to jumpstart your journey and help you succeed right away!

The book bundle is $7.

There is no "catch" to this. You will not get signed up for anything else or get any annoying phone calls from a salesperson.

In fact, if you don't like the book or course, let me know and I'll refund your $7 immediately. You don't even need to send anything back.

Start living your best year ever! Get started today. 

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